We will prove that . According to the definition, for any , there exists a neighborhood of satisfying for any . And for any , we have for in a neighborhood of . We can assume that it's . Now we know, for any , we have because of and in that set. So we get .
MSE link If , then we have . Then we know it's a tempered distribution.
If it's known that is a tempered distribution and cannot be dominated by a polynomial, then we will show the contradiction. Take an increasing subsequence of which satisfying and let , then we have diverges. Notice that satisfies , where . And because for any when . Finally, we can get contradiction by . -
According to the Fourier transform table, we know . So we have .
We know from Fourier transform table immediately.
We know and , so we have .
First, we know . Then we know .
Notice that , so we know from . Now we have for .
We know , where , by the representation of in sense of distribution. Notice that , then we know the representation of .
According to Problem 8, we know , where .
We have by Fourier transform table. So we get .