Prove in the sense of distributions
For any , is a locally integrable function on . As a distribution on , prove
The limit distribution can also be written as . -
As a distribution on , , compute the limit in the distribution space of .
We denote the surface area of the unit sphere in by . Let
Prove in the sense of distributions that
Assume is an open set and , satisfying
where is a smooth function. Hence, . -
Suppose (a distribution with compact support). Prove the existence of a constant (which may depend on the distribution ), such that, as ,
Assume . Prove that is a solution to the potential equation
Furthermore, a constant exists such that, as ,
Depending on the physical context, represents the total mass or total charge of . -
Suppose is a real-valued function, and define the sign function as
Prove, in the sense of distributions that
i.e., for any non-negative real-valued function ,
Hint: First approximate in the sense of distributions with .